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'Complete nonsense': key moments from Boris Johnson's Partygate grilling

Guardian, 23 Mar 2023
Former prime minister Boris Johnson was left fighting for his political career after a three-and-a-half-hour evidence session with the privileges committee in parliament on Wednesday. Harriet Harman, the chair of the committee, is heading an investigation into whether Johnson deliberately misled MPs over lockdown gatherings. The former prime minister insisted 'hand on heart', he had not lied to the Commons over workplace gatherings in Downing Street during the pandemic. Throughout the evidence gathering session, Johnson repeatedly assured MPs as far as he was aware members of his government had acted within the guidelines he had set out for the rest of the country. The former MP faces being suspended from parliament if the committee decides he 'recklessly' misled the House
Boris Johnson facing formal reprimand for misleading parliament
Boris Johnson had a lot to say about Partygate – but did any of it stack up?
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