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Coronavirus update: The latest news from around the world

DW, 05 Jul 2020
00:00 Authorities in the Australian city of Melbourne have reimposed strict lockdown measures in some areas in an attempt to contain a second wave of coronavirus infections. Residents of nine inner-city public housing blocks have been placed under strict quarantine for five days. The move caught many tenants by surprise.

01:51 Spanish authorities have reimposed lockdown restrictions on nearly 200 thousand people after a spike in coronavirus cases. The measures affect a region in the northeast of the country where nearly 4 thousand people have have been infected. In an effort to contain the outbreak, residents of Lleida are not allowed to leave the city - and people outside cannot enter.

03:45 Pubs in England are welcoming patrons again after a four-month coronavirus shutdown. Restaurants and hair salons are also back in business. The changes don't apply to Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, which have been setting their own timetables for easing restrictions. As people hit the pubs, the UK government is urging them not to get carried away - warning that irresponsible drinkers could face harsh punishment.


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