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Heat turns Siberian lake bubblegum pink

RT, 19 Sep 2020
This Siberian lake blushes a delicious crimson pink when the temperature rises and the rain stays away.

Every summer, tourists travel to the Altai Region to witness these fantasy-like images, caught by a drone first-hand. Lake Burlinskoye’s high salt concentration – 2.11 pounds per gallon in the summer season – is close to that of the Dead Sea, meaning people float in the water effortlessly. The deepest part is 2.5 meters, and its shallowness contributes to its swirly pink appearance. A tiny species of brine shrimp called Artemia salina which lives in the lake radiates the rosy pigment. The brightness and intensity of this pigment increases with heat.

The lake’s salt is extracted and transported by train to production facilities, earning it the occasional moniker ‘white gold’. Some visit Lake Burlinskoye for medicinal purposes, but they must always wear shoes when wading through the water, as the bottom is full of sharp crystals.

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