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Lift off: New phase of China's manned space missions

CGTN, 01 Jun 2023
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China's #space program marks fresh milestones as the Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft blasted off to the #China Space Station on Tuesday morning. It is the first manned mission in a new phase of the space station. The three taikonauts – as Chinese astronauts are called – entered the space station Tuesday evening and met with the Shenzhou-15 crew members living there. The six taikonauts then took a group photo. The get-together kicked off the second in-orbit crew rotation at the China Space Station. The Shenzhou-16 crew will stay there and carry out work for about five months. What are the new breakthroughs of China's latest manned mission? What are the key goals of this mission? What does this mission tell us about the future of China's manned space program?

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